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Something about us from a little bit of different perspective

Saanvi HiTech is a leading company specializing in Sales, Marketing and Business Development. We also specialize in single window communication with the customers on a daily basis, providing market intelligence and opportunity capturing. We Support and help our clients.

We have established ourselves as the Best Consultancy, Networking, and Marketing Firm in the field of the above-mentioned industries with years of experience to help our customers to grow their business.

To Design, Plan, Engineer, Execute, Purchase, Sale, Trade, Install, Commission of Engineering Goods, Pipes, Structures, Tanks, Vessels, Heat Exchangers, Autoclave, Agitators, Equipments and other Projects and related Materials in India or abroad, in the field of the Hydro Carbon, Petrochemicals, Metals, Chemical and specialty chemicals, Pharmaceutical and life sciences, food and beverage sector. We specialize in Marketing, Trading and consulting for all here mentioned industries. We provide life cycle support for these industries. We provide solutions which include automation for the above mentioned industries.